
Recently Completed Projects
McCoshum, S.M., S.L. Andreoli, C.M. Stenoien, K.S. Oberhauser, and K.A. Baum. 2016. Species distribution models for natural enemies of monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) larvae and pupae: Distribution patterns and implications for conservation. Journal of Insect Conservation 20: 223-237.
Baum, K.A. and E.K. Mueller. 2015. Grassland and roadside management practices affect milkweed abundance and opportunities for monarch recruitment. Pages 197-202 In Oberhauser, K.S., K.R. Nail, and S. Altizer, Eds. Monarchs in a changing world: Biology and conservation of an iconic insect. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York.
McCoshum, S.M. and K.A. Baum. 2014. Sex ratios and Ophryocystis elektroscirrha infection levels of Danaus plexippus during spring migration through Oklahoma. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 153: 266-272.
Mueller, E.K. and K.A. Baum. 2014. Monarch-parasite interactions in managed and roadside prairies. Journal of Insect Conservation 18: 847-853.
Baum, K.A. and W.V. Sharber. 2012. Fire creates host plant patches for monarch butterflies. Biology Letters 8: 968-971.
Ongoing Projects
Host-parasite Interactions in Urban Environments (Kelsey Deal, MS student)
Effects of Roadsides on Monarchs and Milkweeds (Alex Webb, MS student)
5th Generation Monarchs in Texas (David Berman, PhD student)